Daria Lee Atkinson

Candidate for the

Wemba Wemba, Yorta Yorta, Mutti Mutti

My name is Daria Atkinson. I am 61 year old and my connections are Wemba Wemba, Yorta Yorta and Mutti Mutti. I am proud mother of 2 Adult sons, Tyson and Ethan, and Grandmother of 5 Grandchildren.

I work for the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service as the Bringing Them Home Worker, supporting Stolen Generation members of Metro Region and keeping in touch with other BTH workers around Victoria.

I am an Elder of the Koori Court, Co Chair of the Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group in connections with Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated. I sit on the Stolen Generation Reperations Group. My personal achievements are Diploma’s in Community Services and Counselling.

I was on the first working group to set up the Assembly and was a Candidate at the first Elections, so I don’t give up on something that I believe in. Treaty is so important for the future of our people and most of all for the future of our Children and to make changes in all aspects of strengthening our people.