Paul Paton

Candidate for the

Gunai, Monaro-Ngarigo, Gunditjmara

I am a proud Gunai, Monaro-Ngarigo & Gunditjmara man (Mullett & Solomon families) married with two daughters, living in Naarm (Melbourne).

Passed on through my Elders, I’m grounded by a deep respect and understanding of our connections to Country with a purpose in both my personal life and career to advocate for Traditional Owner rights and interests to government, provide leadership and deliver outcomes that will restore health to Country and authority back to communities.

I feel I can bring a strong connection to culture coupled with an understanding of the value of traditional knowledge and community held values that contribute to self-determination and achieving better outcomes for our people.

For over 20 years, I have held several executive and director roles including some short time in government. My current and previous roles have placed me in conversations and negotiations across the Victoria and at a national level spanning Aboriginal Languages, natural resource management, renewable energy, cultural heritage, economic development, education, nation building, governance and planning, intellectual property, local government just to name a few.

I feel that these key areas, and more, will certainly all be part of Treaty negotiations and I feel my experience can contribute strongly to this to achieve the recognition, rights and outcomes we all deserve and a better future for all Victorians.